Roaming the Arun Cruise Report
A day late because of over strong winds, five yachts set out from four different ports for Littlehampton and enjoyed an extremely lively, if somewhat roller coaster like trip. Typically, with furthest to go, Avalon arrived first, from Gosport, catching the last of the tide around the Bill. Whilst Nick McCarthy was unable to join us, his cruise plan worked perfectly!
We all arrived in time to miss a huge downpour of biblical proportions, which conveniently finished precisely at three, in time for a walk on East Beach for afternoon tea and cake at a beach café. The traditional pontoon party was actually a cockpit party on Good Day Sunshine as rain threatened to return and the breeze was once again brisk. It was Littlehampton, so of course it was all off to the Fish and Chip shop for supper.
Tuesday was calm and sunny! The sound of dinghy pumps filled the air, Serendipity’s resonating particularly asthmatically. We had a relaxed, two-hour trip up river to the Black Rabbit arriving nicely in time for lunch, Aquadisiac’s canine crew members behaving impeccably. A leisurely hour and a half spent in the pub allowed the tide to turn the right way and we were off down river, considerably faster than we went up, such is the nature of the ebb. A bit of recovery time, including a mast climbing spectacle, and it was off to the Arun View for an excellent dinner where we were joined by local residents, Rascallion.
Wednesday was beautiful but over calm! Whilst Jasper cunningly delayed their return by a day to enjoy forecast easterlies, the rest of us gently motored homeward. No guesses required as to who caught a bucket full of mackerel on the way! A small but beautifully formed cruise, and we think a very good time was enjoyed by all!
Philip Brown