Walderton Loop – 13 January 2024
Report for CYC walk on 13th January 2024
The gods were smiling on us once again for our walk on the 13th January. The weather although overcast was not too cold but most importantly it was dry.
We set off with 25 walkers and very unusually finished with 27. I don’t think that this has ever happened before. The reason being one couple arrived late for the usual 10 o’clock start (you know who you are) but they very cleverly decided that it was not possible to catch the group up but they walked the route in the opposite direction and met us on our way round and then continued in their reverse direction and beat us all back to the pub. It must have been our lengthy coffee stop that made that possible.
Despite the three climbs on the walk everyone made the route without incident for which the walk leader was very grateful. Only two obstacles on the route caused minor negotiation. The first an overflowing drain in the road we had to cross and the second a fallen tree which some could duck under whilst others detoured around. Neither of them posed a problem for our intrepid bunch.
Our obligatory coffee stop was taken on a hilltop giving great views towards the Solent and Isle of Wight. (Well they would have great views been on a clear day). From there the walk descended to Piglegged Row before skirting Inholmes Wood and then carrying on down to Walderton and the pub where an excellent buffet was provided, including the Barley Mow renowned triple cooked chips. One strange thing though. There were now 35 people for the lunch!!!!!! (Will “CYC Ramblers” become “CYC Walk and Luncheon club”)
All agreed a good “ole’ favourite” walk and an excellent lunch. Perhaps whilst you are reading this you might suddenly be inspired to run a walk for CYC next winter. It is very satisfying when it all turns out well but still fun if it doesn’t.
Steve Martin