Dinghies: Dinghy Week

Event Details


High Tide High Water
12:51 4.95



Dinghy Week NoR SI CYC 2023 v2

Sign up to do a Dinghy Week Duty

Please visit Dutyman and volunteer to do a duty during Dinghy Week, the race series relies on your support.



  1. Series Entry entitles you to race in all dinghy week race series including the pursuit race.
  2. One day entry is available on Wednesday to Sunday by visiting their specific event pages.
  3. Only book one ticket per booking, booking more than one may result in your being charged extra without your registration counting.
  4. Competitors MUST Sign On & Sign Off each day. (see SIs for full information)
Event Sold Out.

Already booked on this open event
# Helm Age Crew Club Class of Boat Fleet Sail No
1Mark GreenCYCRS VareoFast372
2Piers Vowles44TobiasCYCMerlin RocketFast3130
3Chris HodgeLouise VarleyCYC2000Fast21676
4Michael OlliffPaula OlliffCYC2000Fast21731
5Pete HarrisonCycH2Fast114
6Harriet Kirk20naChichester Topper Slow45979
7Nick ColbourneBiddy ColbourneCYCGP14Medium/Classic13323
8Ian Lissamore70 plusCYCSoloMedium5400
9Meryl DeaneCYCStreakerMedium1677
10Freddie Jones12CYCOptimist Slow6374
11Thomas Knight13CYCOptimist Slow6456
12Bill GroseSally CantelloCYCScorpionFast2033
13Ian FarrCYCILCA 7Medium197768
14Karen cheesemanCycByte c1Sliw3726
15Matilda Tindale10CYCOpptermistSlowUnknown
16Stephen TindaleNoah/Tilda TindaleCYC2000FastUnknown
17Helen GreenStephen GreenCYC2000Fast22542
18Paul MapstoneIsabellaCYCRS 200Fast1497
19Martin OrtonoldCindy OrtonChichester YCLarkMedium2029
20Geoff NewmanCYCEurope Medium 393
21John CrawleyCYCHadron H2Fast111
22Jenny Fletcher45Izzy Fletcher / Ellie FletcherCYCMirrorSlow8085
23Roger MillettCYCHadron H2131
24Lottie Cheeseman19chichester yacht clublaser 4.7slow138274
25Chris DayCYC LaserMedium159429


Open Event Booking

Bookings are no longer available for this event.