Dinghies: Frozen Toe Series 1 & 2

Event Details


High Tide High Water
11:26 5.1


Frozen Toe NoR SI CYC 2023 v1

Race Fleet Designations

Racing shall be held for the following fleets:

4.1 Fast handicap fleet: Boats with a Portsmouth Number of 1060 or lower.

 4.2 Medium handicap fleet: Boats with a Portsmouth Number in the range 1061 to 1169 inclusive.

 4.3 Slow handicap fleet: Boats with a Portsmouth Number of 1170 or higher.

4.4 Fleet boundaries may be adjusted at the briefing of the first race in the series.


Event Sold Out.

Already booked on this open event
# Helm Age Crew Club Class of Boat Fleet Sail No
1Mark GreenCYCRS VareoMedium372
2Nick ColbourneBiddy ColbourneCYCGP14Medium13323
3Karen CheesemanCYCByte C1Slow3726
4Jack Holden31Rob Henderson Chichester Rs400Fast1550
5Tim BlackmoreCycRs aero 7Medium2811
6Michael OlliffPaulaCYC2000Fast21731
7Pete HarrisonCycH2Fast114
8Ian FarrCYCILCA 7Medium197768
9Lucy BorehamCYCEurope Medium 411
10Phoebe Nicholls15CYCTopperSlow12032
11Iain YardleySarah YardleyRYA2000Medium2204
12Mark ConroyMartinCYCWandererSlow1850
13Steve KelsallCYCHadron H2Fast107
14Roger MillettCYCHadron H2Fast131
15Ian PayneCYCILCA 7Medium166550
16Richard BullockISCRS Aero 6Medium3305

Open Event Booking

Bookings are no longer available for this event.