Don’t miss our talk on The World ARC on Sunday, 12th November at 10am
Val and Dugald Glen will share their experience of the World Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. The talk will cover boat choice, preparation, downwind sailing, fishing, boat provisioning, first aid at sea and some of the highlights.
They retired early from their careers as hospital doctors to go sailing. Dugald first sailed with his father at Dell Quay in the 1970s in a GP14 and on Ivy Lake with the school sailing club. At university in Edinburgh he and Val bought an Enterprise dinghy which they cruised for 6 weeks around the Clyde one summer. They progressed to a wooden Loch Long which they maintained, raced and cruised on the west coast of Scotland. With a young family, they chartered in the West and the Med, then bought a Jeanneau Sun Fizz in 1995. After sailing up from the Solent they subsequently cruised the Clyde, west coast, Ireland, Outer Hebrides and St Kilda. In 2005 the Sun Fizz was replaced by a Maxi 1100, still kept on west coast but taken to Norway, Denmark and Sweden. In 2014 they bought an Arcona 430 with a view to living aboard and sailing further afield. In 2016 they joined the ARC and then the World Arc from 2017-18.
The talk starts at 10.30am, coffee will be served from 10am.