Dinghies: Social Sailing

Event Details

Social Sailing

The Dinghy Sailing Committee has recognised that there is a significant level of interest in weekday sailing without the need for training and therefore the dates below are where there will be a Safety Boat on the water to provide any help where needed.
This is not a replacement for Week Day Sailing where group training is provided.
Social Sailing Days are free for all and provide a Patrol Boat with a volunteer helm.
Club members can sign up for free by completing the registration form for the event via the club website calendar in the same way as racing events.
The following requirements must be met for the event to proceed.
  • There must be a volunteer helm registered on the event registration page
  • The helm must have a RYA PB2 accreditation.
  • There must be a minimum of 3 registered dinghies
  • Any help can only be provided within line-of-sight of the PB. For example, if the group decides on a cruise all must go and stay in LOS of the PB.
20 Places Remaining.

Social Sailing Bookings

Sailors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Parent or Guardian Declaration

(if the crew or helm is under 18) Under law, this crew is my dependent and I accept the statements above. I confirm that my dependent is competent to take part and I am responsible for my dependant throughout the event. During the time my dependent is afloat I will be around the venue that is hosting the event or I will inform the race officer in writing as to my whereabouts and who is acting in loco parentis during my absence.

Volunteer Patrol Boat Helm

Indicate if you are PB Level 2 Qualified and prepared to drive the patrol boat. Note : Social Sailing requires at least one Patrol boat helm. If noone volunteers - then all sailors are advised only to sail if they are comfortable with their ability in the conditions.