Marchwood and Hamble Cruise Report
As is normal for most Cruise Leaders, in the days before the cruise there was much studying of weather forecasts. A week before there were 30 knot gusts forecast for Saturday, but fortunately that reduced. The latest forecast on Friday afternoon indicated it would be a lively beat with maybe some light rain. The rain came overnight and although Saturday dawned rather cloudy and grey, we were relieved that at least it stayed dry, if not exactly sunny.
The majority of boats made a fairly early start to make the best of the tides. It was indeed a lively beat across Hayling Bay, past Portsmouth and on to Southampton Water where one could free off the wind a little and there was less chop, it wasn’t the sort of trip where we make tea!
We were greeted at Marchwood by John, the OOD, who helpfully arranged berthing with everyone as they arrived over the course of the afternoon. For some it was their first visit to this very different location right up Southampton Water, which took us past cruise ships and container ships. We gathered for a pontoon party in the late afternoon sunshine before going up to the club for dinner. The club is very different to our own, being much smaller and entirely member run. The bar prices are a particular attraction, it would have been a shame not to take full advantage of them!
An enjoyable evening was had by us all as Mairi and her family served a tasty three course meal. We had the expected ‘noises of the night’, (the noise of props turning that came through the water and were heard through the hull), being so close to major container and cruise terminals with ship movements throughout the night, as well as hearing the cranes unloading the very large container ship opposite.
By the time we got up QM2 and other different cruise vessels to yesterday had come in, turned and berthed. We said goodbye to Crazee Feeling and Haraka who had to return to Chichester. The remaining 12 of us had a leisurely start before heading the short distance to Universal Marina on the Hamble. The winds were very light, gallant attempts were made to sail with varying degrees of success, this leg also included manoeuvring to avoid a large container ship closely followed by a car carrier and then a dredger.
We were all berthed at Universal by lunchtime having taken advantage of the tide stand, it can be tricky to berth there if the tide is running hard. After lunch we arranged a walk around the Holly Hill Woodland Park just a short distance from the marina. We followed the riverside path and then turned into the park. This was once part of a large estate with a grand house and landscaped grounds which became quite derelict. The house was demolished in the 1920s. The park is now managed by the local authority assisted by a band of volunteers. Some joined the walk, one or two went for a dinghy expedition up river, some just enjoyed a relaxing afternoon.
We all met up for drinks and a meal at Banana Wharf, the on-site restaurant, which was another enjoyable, convivial evening. We were sat in the evening sun and wrapped up in blankets under the heaters as the day’s temperature dropped away. An English Summer!
Monday, the forecast indicated sunshine and a moderate south westerly wind to blow us home. The sunshine was a bit slow in making its appearance but the wind ‘did its stuff’, a great broad reach home. It probably deserved the accolade of a cracking sail, bringing First Light up through a fairly quiet harbour to drop our sails off Birdham.
Thanks to everyone for joining us and making a fun three days both on and off the water,
Participating were Windreaver, Blaze Away, Sounio, Haraka, Crazee Feeling, Dawn Chorus, Ruby, Hermit 2, Turn IV, Kerry Dancer, Rascallion, Canopus, Perfectly Fine and First Light.
John and Jane Gosnell