Dinghies: Dinghy Week

Event Details

For details of the events Results, Notice of Racing and Sailing Instructions visit the CYC results page.

High TideHigh Water

Pursuit Start Times

DW Pursuit Fast Fleet

DW Pursuit Slow Fleet

Notes :

  1. Series Entry entitles you to race in all dinghy week race series including the pursuit race.
  2. One day entry is available on Tuesday-Friday by visiting their specific event pages.
  3. Only book one ticket per booking, booking more than one may result in your being charged extra without your registration counting.
Event Sold Out.

Already booked on this open event
# Helm Age Crew Club Class of Boat Fleet Sail No
1Mark WinstoneCYCSoloMedium4473
2Linda Kelsall-BarnettCYCChichester ScowSlow33
3Laura PerrowCYC Byte C2 Slow 3728

Open Event Booking

Bookings are no longer available for this event.