Dinghies: Frozen Toe Series 1 & 2

Event Details


High Tide High Water
12:50 5.11


Frozen Toe 2021 NoR SI v2

For events Results visit the CYC results page.

Harbour Dues

All boats must pay harbour dues. The cost of visitor harbour dues is £2.00 per weekend. Daily harbour dues are available to be purchased from the Tea bar in the CYC sloop.
Competitors are advised that they may purchase a 6 month (1/10/21 – 31/3/22) permit direct from Chichester Harbour Conservancy

Event Sold Out.

Already booked on this open event
# Helm Age Crew Club Class of Boat Fleet Sail No
1George Bullock13Itchenor SCtopperslow46579
2Karen CheesemanCYCByte C1Slow3726
3Ian PayneChichester YCLaserMedium166550
4Roger MillettCYCHadron H2131
5Nick OppeCYCRS400Fast1330
6Paula BentleyFelpham SCAero 5Medium3803
7Richard BentleyFelpham SCAero 7Medium2893
8Richard BullockISCAeroMedium3305
9James GerwatFSCSupernovaMedium1080
10Seth Swain16CYCTopperSlow20289
11Hazel Swain15CYCTopperSlowNo number
12Stephen Tindale36CYCLaserClub Boat
13sarah grantFlynn GrantcycMirrorslow70268
14Bas Bush14Effie GrantCYCFevaMedium8004
15Mark HarperDell Quay SCSoloMedium5836
16Stephen HolcroftDell Quay SCSoloMedium5168
17Geoff NewmanCYCEurope Medium 393
18Zak Smith16FSCLaser Radial Medium 212661
19Lottie Cheeseman18Cyc Laser 4.7Slow138274
20Neil BevingtonAlan SkeensLee-on-Solent SCRS4001429
21Joshua James15Felpham sailing clubTopperSlow48645
22Simon VerrallDell QuaySoloMedium5608
23Ian LissamoreCYCSoloMedium5400
24Mark AldousFelpham Sailing Club RS Aero 7Medium3390
25Phil Allencycint.canoefast343
26Ian Barnett36CYCNational SoloMedium4892
27Rob CorfieldSteve FodenDQSCrs 400fast1333
28Callum AldousFelpham Sailing ClubRS Aero 7Medium3148
29CYCRS Aero 7Medium1455
30James Davies16CYVTopperSlow15552
31Ian Brooks>60N/aTrearddur Bay SCBlazeFast704
32Derek JackmanOldCYCSoloMedium5237
33Nick EllimanRoger EllimanCYcRS400Fast1386
34Andy Palmer-FelgateCYC Aero 71573
35Hilary SparkesCYCPico Slow Pico blue
36Mark GreenCYCRS VareoMedium372
37Michael OlliffPaula Olliff CYC2000Fast21731
38Clive Bush52CycSoloMedium5626
39Chester BantonCYCLaser RadialMedium212391
40Andy Conway46Felpham SCSupernovaMedium1110

Open Event Booking

Bookings are no longer available for this event.