Dinghies: Snowflake Series 3 & 4

Event Details


High Tide High Water
15:04 4.44



Snowflake 2022 NoR SI Final V2

For events Results visit the CYC results page.

Harbour Dues

All boats must pay harbour dues. The cost of visitor harbour dues is £2.00 per weekend. Daily harbour dues stickers must be paid for in advance (see below) they can be collected from the Tea bar in the CYC sloop.
Competitors are advised that they may purchase a 6 month (1/10/21 – 31/3/22) permit direct from Chichester Harbour Conservancy


registration open from the 23rd January 2022

Event Sold Out.

Already booked on this open event
# Helm Age Crew Club Class of Boat Fleet Sail No
1Nigel CowanChichester YCHadron H2Fast144
2Iain YardleyIain YardleyRYA2000Medium2204
3Karen CheesemanCYCByte C1DUTY3726
4Paul TaskerCYCSoloMedium5864
5J-P SnellingHISCEurope252
6Zara Bullock15I FisherItchenor SC420medium54314
7simon townsendGeorgie CousensESCRS400Fast1062
8Ben TownsendHarry DinageESCRS400Fast1418
9Andrew GouldAndrew GouldEmsworth SlipperMusto SkiffFast584
10Luke SouthLuke SouthEmsworh SCRS300Fast520
11Jack Holden29Jono PriceArun Yacht ClubRS400Fast1505
12Niamh SparkesEthan sparkesCYCMedium42055102
13James GerwatFSCSupernova Medium 1080
14Dick HoldenArun YCHadron H2Fast121
16Zak Smith16FSCLaser RadialMedium 212661
17Seth Swain17CYCTopperSlow20289
18Hazel Swain15cycTopperSlowNo number
19Gareth TweedleEmsworth SCEuropeMedium406
20Ian BrooksOver 60Ian BrooksCYCBlazeFast704
21Rob WilderHISCEuropeMedium389
22Jack Munnelly30Jake SparksArun YCRS400FAST1192
23Roger MillettCYCHadron H2Fast131
24Alex ButlerHayling Island Sailing ClubSoloMedium5781
25Derek Jackman+70C.Y.C. Note I am Assistant Race Officer Sunday 6th FebSoloMedium5237
26Ian PayneCYCLaserMedium166550
27Mark RiddingtonEmsworth Slipper SCAero7 Medium 3656
28John Derbyshire60+Emsworth Sailing ClubRS Aero 7Medium3286
29Stephen Cockerill59Sarah CockerillStokes Bay Sailing ClubRS400Fast1515
30Mike Jacot27Rebecca AllenCYCRS400Fast1152

Open Event Booking

Bookings are no longer available for this event.